Bulked Segregant Analysis

  • 网络群分法
Bulked Segregant AnalysisBulked Segregant Analysis
  1. Based on the F 2 population of hybrid Aus 373 / Lunhui 422 , fertile and semisterile pools were set up by bulked segregant analysis .


  2. Identification of an EST-CAPS Marker Linking to the Resistance Gene of Italian Ryegrass Gray-Leaf-Spot Disease by Bulked Segregant Analysis


  3. Near-isogenic lines and bulked segregant analysis are the main strategies for RAPD tagging of plant traits .


  4. According to the principle of bulked segregant analysis ( BSA ), the polymorphic SSR primers obtained were used to analyze the two pools .


  5. Bulked segregant analysis ( BSA ) combined with RAPD and AFLP techniques would quickly identify markers linked to the yellow seed coat gene .
